The Out of Focus Log

Exploration: The first hike in a month…

I tagged along on a hike with Abby today. She always picks great places and even if they are over my skill level I try to push through to the end. I do some of my best creative thinking when I’m uncomfortable. I have never looked this up but I think this might be true for a lot of people. I also get inspired a lot when I’m bored. Anyway back to the exploration.

We hiked out to a small but deep pool with a waterfall. But the part of the hike that stuck with me the most was this log that was across the path. It had some very interesting swirling patterns on it. I attempted to get a close up shot with my instant camera but it didn’t really turn out. I always put my photos into my pocket while they develop and I don’t check them until I get back home. So sometimes I miss the shot without knowing until later. I don’t mind this limitation. I’d rather just stay in the moment while exploring than try to redo a shot.

In fact it is the limitations that make me really enjoy instant photography. It’s the act of capturing a single moment a single time that appeals to me. No editing, no cropping, no reprints. Or if the photo is too small to make out details or is out of focus that is okay too. It gives me an opportunity to let my imperfect memory fill in the blanks.

My Traveler’s Company notebook in blue, open to the page that features the out of focus log.

So I snapped the shot but it was mostly out of focus. I did still get the colors captured as well as the rough shapes. The colors are of course one of the most important parts for my process. So now on to the painting!

An abstract watercolor work in progress by yours truly, propped up by The Superior Labor Leather Bottom Shoulder Bag from Baum-Kuchen.

I crave symmetry sometimes and this series is really helping me with that! Whenever I start a new series, I always try a lot of different techniques until something clicks. I want the process to feel good to do from beginning to end. I want there to be challenges and decision points at every step. That is why I love making abstract art!


When the Journey Becomes the Destination


A Ranch Near Alpine California