When the Journey Becomes the Destination

Kodak Portra 35 mm ISO 400

I always try to design my artistic workflow so that each step is fun and interesting. So sometimes a single step becomes the new focus. This has happened on multiple occasions throughout my art career. I once got so wrapped up in making the studies for a solo show that they became the focus of the whole show! I think it is good to keep an open mind and let things develop naturally. This is at least partially why I am now shooting film photography instead of painting.

I have always loved taking photos. From a very young age I have loved cameras. I used to wander around taking “photos” with my mom’s film camera. It was never loaded with film and I never asked to see the pictures. I guess even back then I enjoyed the journey more than the destination! I just clicked away happily without a single thought for the end result.

I have been using instant cameras to capture the feel and look of the places we have been traveling to for the past year. It has been so much fun! I think the next natural step for me was to get a film camera. I do like waiting for it to get developed. I also appreciate that you can’t obsess over whether you got the shot or not if there is no option to know until the film comes back. I also appreciate the experimental nature of film. Overexposing to get crispy burned in images or reducing shutter speed to get intentional blur not to mention the literal experimental films that turn greens into purple or teal!

LomoChrome Purple 35 mm ISO 100-400

I’m excited to be on this new journey and I have quite a few interesting places coming up! Bozeman Montana, Yellowstone, Chicago and Charleston are all in the works in the next few months. I have also ordered a 35mm Panoramic film camera and I can’t wait to see what type of images I can make with it!


The Out of Focus Log